Ice Fishing

What is the Best Live Bait for Ice Fishing

There are more baits and lures for ice fishing than ever before.  I sometimes find myself spending more time choosing the best setup than I do fishing.   When the choices overwhelm me, I know it is time to go back to the basics.  Nothing is more basic in ice […]

What Is The Best Depth To Ice Fish

Ice fishing in the winter is a challenge to say the least.  It’s hard enough finding fish in the spring and summer, let alone under a layer of ice.  The first step is knowing how fish behave and where they go in ice cold water.   Every species of fish […]

The Ultimate Guide To Kokanee Ice Fishing

It’s funny how some things don’t seem possible until someone shows you that it is.  That was the case for me when a buddy asked me to go ice fishing for kokanee salmon.  Come again?   Kokanee has long been one of my favorite open water game fish.  Whether it […]

Can You Use A Regular Fish Finder For Ice Fishing

Without a doubt, fish finders improve fishing success.  It is often said that 90 percent of fish occupy only 10 percent of the fishable water.  Fish finders make finding that 10 percent more likely.  Less guess work and more catching! Many of us have likely fished from a boat equipped […]